There is definitely a lifestyle associated with training double days. Serious athletes know the routine: lots of showers, stinky laundry, 8P...

Things You Want to Know

There is definitely a lifestyle associated with training double days. Serious athletes know the routine: lots of showers, stinky laundry, 8PM bedtime and more.

Here are some things I wish I knew about 18 months ago. They have saved me time, money and energy, all things that are in short supply. 

1. Short hair and Pert Plus
Two months ago, I chopped off my long locks in favor of a messy chin length bob. I savor the glory of hair that dries in an hour. No more soggy pillows during napping!
I'm also a big fan of 2-in-1 shampoos. One bar of soap and one hair care product makes for super efficient showers. 

2. Compression socks and The Stick
I haven't tried compression pants yet, but I'm loving my socks. I can tell they improve circulation in my lower legs because my toes stay warm! Supposedly there are some recovery benefits as well.
I'm also a huge fan of The Stick for self-massage. Foam rollers are good tools, especially for the back and butt. The Stick is way better for quads and for targeted work. It's also more portable and you can use it sitting on the couch.

3. Glasslock containers
My life motto: "Always travel with snacks." Energy bars are convenient but I get really sick of sweet foods. When I'm eating most of my meals on the go, I want savory foods. Glasslocks are by far the best option. They have glass bottoms and plastic lids with a rubber gasket. And you can throw soup into your bag upside down and not worry about split pea sports bra. 

4. Pre-nap brushing
There is nothing worse than waking up to a soggy pillow. After fixing the wet hair problem (see #1) I set out to solve the drool problem. It turns out, a quick teeth brushing before naps cuts down on the drool big time.

Now, it's your turn! What things do I want to know? What do you wish you knew when you started training??

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  1. When the laundry situation is rough like double days in winer, I started airing out and re-wearing some of my cold weather gear. Quality over quantity for winter workout gear -- no one will notice if you are a bit smelly.

    When you workout so much that you get tired of showering, and you find your hair greasy on your rest day, dry shampoo is awesome. It is a sprayable powder that soaks up oil and give my hair good volume.

    1. That's great advice. I've heard of dry shampoo—do you have any brand recommendations?


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