Although it may only feel like spring in many parts of the country, we have definitely entered the summer season in the Bay Area. With tempe...

The Summer Bucket List

Although it may only feel like spring in many parts of the country, we have definitely entered the summer season in the Bay Area. With temperatures in the 70's and 80's and abundant sunshine, it's time to start thinking about sun dresses, fresh corn and picnics.

Inspired by Ashley, I decided to make a summer bucket list. Here are some of the many things I'd love to do this summer:

- have a meal entirely from the garden
- spend a day at the beach in Alameda
- go on a road trip and sleep under the stars
- bike across the Golden Gate
- wear a bikini (more than once!)
- buy a picnic table

The list isn't super long, but who knows where my summer might take me.

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