Tomatoes are (still) in season! I like tomatoes quite a bit: caprese salads, sliced on sandwiches, plain... when they're ripe, they...

Too Many Tomatoes


Tomatoes are (still) in season! I like tomatoes quite a bit: caprese salads, sliced on sandwiches, plain... when they're ripe, they're incredible. My husband disagrees.

Although he will eat cook tomatoes, and no longer insists on removing all traces from pre-made sandwiches, caprese salads are certainly out of the question. Which leaves the burning question: what to do with all those summer tomatoes?

Of course, there is one version of raw tomato that Dan will eat almost without question: salsa. So, we set about making salsa.

The coolest part about salsa is the freedom. You can put practically anything in, be it spicy (peppers), sweet (mango, corn), or salty (beans). We dug through our fridge and found everything that wasn't being used in a recipe. Most of it became salsa.

Our version combined a basic pico de gallo with a flavorful, spicy pepper/garlic/cilantro paste.

Gas burner + pepper = fire roasted pepper! Yum!

How do you use up ripe tomatoes? We've got at least 10 more growing on our balcony!

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